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Mounting ISO images through loopback

Created by dave. Last edited by dave, 19 years and 96 days ago. Viewed 6,584 times. #2
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Mounting ISO images through loopback on Solaris

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Description: Many software packages can be downloaded in the form of an ISO image. Rather than burning the image to a CD-ROM to access its contents, it is easy to mount the image directly into the filesystem using the lofiadm and mount commands.

Directions: Given an ISO image in /export/temp/software.iso, a loopback file device (/dev/lofi/1) is created with the following command:

lofiadm -a /export/temp/software.iso /dev/lofi/1
The lofi device creates a block device version of a file. This block device can be mounted to /mnt with the following command:
mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/lofi/1 /mnt
These commands can be combined into a single command:
mount -F hsfs -o ro `lofiadm -a /export/temp/software.iso` /mnt

Once you are finished with your mount, umount and then use lofiadm -d to remove the loopback device.

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