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LVM Volume Failure

Created by dave. Last edited by dave, 19 years and 59 days ago. Viewed 5,460 times. #2
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Quick Notes On Dealing With A LVM Volume Failure

Problem: you have a lvm group (volume set) and one of the "volumes" is gone.

Solution: Replace the physical disk which is dead. fdisk as the original was fdisk'd.

(Note: at this point you'll probably have to create the missing part of the vg. I have no notes for this, because I did not have to do it (for reasons which will not apply to you). Good luck with that.)

Next, go back in time and run vgcfgbackup. (If you can't do this, running vgcfgbackup on an identical (and by identical, I mean device names involved in the volume group like /dev/sda3 (/dev/sda2 is NOT GOOD ENOUGH)) system, then copying the /etc/lvmconf file to your stricken system is good enough.)


For each component, run:

# vgcfgrestore -tn (name) (component)
# vgcfgrestore -tn space /dev/sda3
If they _all_ pass, then for each component run:
# vgcfgrestore -n (name) (component)
If this worked, you should now have an intact volume containing a file system with Severe Tyre Damage. Figure out where your fdisk device is, and fdisk it. This will not be pretty.

Finally, mount your filesystem, and dig around in lost+found hoping to get lucky.

Once you are finished crying over the spilt milk that is your filesystem, umount it and recreate it.

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