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List all sender, receiver addresses for successful relay IPs


mkdir tmp.$$
cd tmp.$$
for z in /var/log/maillog ;
  do for i in `grep stat= $z | awk '{print $6}' | sort -u` ; do
    echo $i # this is the message transaction ID
    grep $i $z | egrep -i 'Hello|rcpt to|mail from' > $i
mkdir ../out.$$
for j in `ls | cat` ; do
  export IP=`grep Hello $j | sed -e 's/^.*\[//' -e 's/\].*$//'`
  grep -i from: $j | sed -e 's/^.*FROM:/FROM:/' >> ../out.$$/$IP
  grep -i to: $j |sed -e 's/^.*TO:/TO:/' >> ../out.$$/$IP
cd ../out.$$
for x in `ls` ; do
  cp $x a
  sort -u < a > $x
  rm -f a

Now you have a bunch of files named for IP addresses. Each one contains a list of all senders and all recipients for that IP address. This should be enough to get an idea of who is using this IP address to relay mail through your system.