ASA 9.8
Disable TCP Timestamps
(2022-01-08) Problem Some security scanner is complaining that TCP Timestamps are enabled on my A...
Force TLSv1.2 or higher
(2020-01-20) Problem ASA still responding to, and using, protocols less than TLS1.2. AKA: SSLv2 a...
Missing HTTPOnly Cookie Attribute
(2022-01-08) Problem Some security scanner is complaining that there's no 'httpOnly' cookie attri...
Ping ASA interface
(2024-09-18) Problem: Can't ping my ASA. Design: With Cisco ASA, it is impossible to ping any int...
PPPoE Session Status
(2021-12-03) Problem What is happening with my PPPoE session? Solution Nothing, probably, but her...
Security Commands
(2019-01-20) Problem Collection of the SSL mitigations I've been collecting. Solution No commenta...
SNMP v3 on ASA
(2024-09-03) Problem SNMP on ASA please Solution snmp-server group GlobalRead v3 priv snmp-server...
SSH pubkey authentication
(2020-09-25) Problem How to set up an ASA to accept an ssh pubkey? Solution Create a ssh key as n...
Test Authentication Server
(2020-03-18) Problem Is my Radius (or LDAP) server working? Solution # show run | begin aaa-serve...
TLS DH Group Key Length
(2020-01-20) Problem Something like SSL/TLS: Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Insufficient DH Group St...
Use User's Password As Enable Password
(2020-12-17) Problem I want to use my username password as the enable password in ssh sessions So...