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ASDM on Windows 10



ASDM 7.1(3) on Windows 10.


  1. Install 32-bit and 64-bit Java-JRE. I installed jre-8u60-windows-i586 and jre-8u60-windows-x64.
  2. Go to the ASDM web page and click the Install ASDM Launcher and let it install.
  3. In C: Program Files (x86)Cisco SystemsASDM, find asdm-launcher.jar and create a shortcut to it. On my system I had to create the shortcut on the desktop.
  4. Run the shortcut.

ASDM worked for me from here.

There's a bunch of fiddling around necessary to put the short cut into the Win10 Start Menu hierarchy which you can find here.