Upgrade bank is empty or corrupted for FPC 0, please do standard upgrade sequence
(31 December 2012)
After a JunOS upgrade (in our case from 10.5R5.5 to 11.4R6.5), the switch lights its alarm light and reports a major error:
Upgrade bank is empty or corrupted for FPC 0, please do standard upgrade sequence
Re-run the jloader update and JunOS update.
This occured when we were doing our annual maintenance updates of our EX2200 switches. All other switches took the update properly without incident, only one threw this error.
We tried the following:
- re-ran the JunOS 11.4R6.5 update, this failed to clear the error
- removed the switch from service and replaced it with a spare (it was 5AM and we had the spare and figured this could be dealt with later, probably through the JTAC)
- found this forum article >>http://forums.juniper.net/t5/Junos-and-Junosphere/Upgrade-bank-is-empty-or-corrupted-for-FPC-0-please-do-standard/m-p/153702//true?searchid=1277948172702# which implies that the jloader update still needs to be done
- re-ran the jloader update jloader-ex-2200-11.3I20110326_0802_hmerge-signed.tgz
- upon completion, the alarm light was cleared and no error was listed on the console; however when logging into the switch I was greeted with this banner:
--- JUNOS 11.4R6.5 built 2012-11-28 19:08:44 UTC
At least one package installed on this device has limited support.
Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details.
- re-ran the JunOS update jinstall-ex-2200-11.4R6.5-domestic-signed.tgz
- the banner has since disappeared
I have opened a case with the JTAC to see if the switch is trustable after this sequence of events.
My reading of the situation is that the jloader update didn't work properly when going from 10.1 to 10.5R5.5. Although why 10.5R5.5 on this switch didn't seem to care about that while 11.4 did is unexplained right now.
I have a collection of about 9 EX2200 switches and with the exception of one switch (attached to a iSCSI network that I couldn't bring down) all switches are kept in lock-step with regards to firmware and jloader versions. So it is possible I missed the jloader update on this switch during the last round of updates, but I don't think it terribly likely.
Update, 4 January 2013: It is the JTAC's opinion that there is nothing currently wrong with this switch and it can be returned to service. I'll probably hook it up to something harmless initially just to prove that.
Update, 5 January 2013: An email from Sandeep Kalsi adds weight to the theory that either the jloader update failed or I just plain missed it last time around:
From: Sandeep Kalsi <sandeepskalsi@**.>
10:29 AM (11 hours ago)
Hi Dave,
This is Sandeep. I was going through your blog and I came across a error message seen on the ex2200 switch “Upgrade bank is empty or corrupted for FPC 0, please do standard upgrade sequence” The above error message is harmless and is only seen when the jloader is not upgraded correctly. The above log is also seen on the Ex4200, Ex4500, Ex3300, EX2200 VC as well were you might seen the log for some on the FPC. Only solution to get rid of the error message is to re-install the Jloader on the switch or a particular FPC in the VC. Since the jloader has been upgraded on the switch after the installation of the Junos code the below log is expected to be seen.
JUNOS 11.4R6.5 built 2012-11-28 19:08:44 UTC
At least one package installed on this device has limited support.
Run 'file show /etc/notices/unsupported.txt' for details
To get rid of the "file show /etc/notices/unsupported.tx" message run the following command on the switch and you should be all good.
request system software delete jloader-ex
request system reboot
One might quibble with the description of the message as "harmless" -- the switch has it flagged as a major alarm with the switch red alarm light lit. If it is really "harmless" then the alarm light should not be lit.