Recently Updated Pages
Upgrading Remi PHP
(2024-12-05) Assuming you already have a remi php installed: # dnf module switch-to php:remi-8.3
Looking at logs via CLI
(2024-11-28) fw # exec log filter category Category. device Device to ...
IPsec MTU Adjustments
MTU can be adjusted via three ways: Adjusting the MTU of the physical interface where the IPsec...
Check Internet Service Database Match
(2024-08-28) Remember you need to have basic support in order for this db to be populated. Firewa...
Link Monitor
(2023-11-15) Example Link Monitor Configuration config system link-monitor edit "VLAN601" set src...
(2024-11-24) Dotfiles for my personal consumption: # wget
List IPs by number of successful mail transactions
(2024-11-22) for z in /var/log/maillog* ; do for i in `grep stat= $z | awk '{print $6}' | sort ...
List all sender, receiver addresses for successful relay IPs
(2024-11-22) mkdir tmp.$$ cd tmp.$$ for z in /var/log/maillog ; do for i in `grep stat= $z | aw...
(2014-07-17) MrRogers knows who is in your neighbourhood. mrrogers is a perl script which uses sn...
Bulk Check IPs Against List Of Subnets
(2024-11-15) Problem You have a logfile full of IP addresses and you need to figure out if they b...
A perl script to get the ARP table out of a router. Requires Net::SNMP, Net::hostent, and Sys::Sy...
IPsec MTU Varies By Encryption Algorythm
(2024-11-13) Stronger encryption algorithms equals to lower MTU values. For example, the FortiGat...
TCP Tuning for 10G
(2024-11-12) This page contains a quick reference guide for Linux tuning for Data Transfer hosts ...
TCP Tuning for iperf3
(2024-06-03) Found this set of recommendations for TCP tuning while chasing some iperf3 issues re...
Unifi Controller
Installing Unifi Controller on Docker on CentOS 8 (or probably any docker installation at this po...
(2024-11-12) Most of the time I'm running iperf3 to understand the capability of a long distance ...
Find Tricks
Excluding stuff (say, the .snapshot directory of a find) $ find $dir -name .snapshot -prune -o -t...
Chrome Certificate Warning Bypass
(2022-09-07) Prevent the certificate warning page from popping up on subsequent initial connectio...
Notes on iperf
(14 August 2012) Available on rpmforge. Basic throughput testing, TCP: run the server # ipe...
Mounting CD-ROMs
Figure out what your cdrom drive's device is. For your own peace of mind, don't use SAM, becaus...