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How I Manage My Email
(29 January 2008) I watched the Google Talk video about the Inbox Zero concept. It is long (about...
Dave's Law Of Internet Measurement
Law Anything which can be measured, will be measured on the Internet. 1st Corollary Anything meas...
Dave's Law Of System Administration
Law There's always an easier way. Corollary Things frequently get done sooner if you just do them...
Dependency Hell
(7 September 2012) Poul-Henning Kamp writes about A Generation Lost In The Bazaar: Here is one e...
I Like Cookie Monster
(2005/2006 era) Alex is at the age where Sesame Street is a frequent, if not regular, visitor to ...
Buying Monkeys
Once upon a time in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy mo...
Interface-based VPNs
(2015-03-10) Something which I realized a few years back and have not read anywhere before or sin...
Greylisting's Effect
(19 March 2012) Last year when I rebuilt my server I had the opportunity to see specifically what...
DNSBL running wild
(24 January 2012) So years ago we get called into this small company working out of I don't remem...
Ping WAN from LAN
(2024-10-10) Problem: Ping WAN interface IP from LAN Solution: Pinging from an internal host to a...
Ping things from Palo Alto
(2024-10-10) Problem: I want to ping something. Solution: ping host
Hi-Availability - Out of Sync Peers
(2024-09-09) Problem: WARNING: The running configuration is not currently synchronized to the HA ...
Display configuration in set statements
2024-09-09 Problem xml is hard to read Solution set cli config-output-format set Now when in con...
Ping ASA interface
(2024-09-18) Problem: Can't ping my ASA. Design: With Cisco ASA, it is impossible to ping any int...
Show Logs From Console
(2024-09-18) SW# show logging
SNMP v3 Read-Only setup
(2024-09-05) Example ip access-list standard snmp-access permit snmp-server view snmp...
SNMP v3 on ASA
(2024-09-03) Problem SNMP on ASA please Solution snmp-server group GlobalRead v3 priv snmp-server...
Check Internet Service Database Match
(2024-08-28) Remember you need to have basic support in order for this db to be populated. Firewa...
JUNOS versions running on dual partitions are not same
(2016-05-25) Problem Boot media /dev/da0 has dual root support WARNING: JUNOS versions running on...
Non-Stop Software Upgrade (NSSU) Is Dicey
(2019-01-02) Non-Stop Software Upgrade Is Dicey We have attempted to upgrade a EX4300 virtual cha...