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Quick Start
GnuPrivacyGuard basics These are the bare-bones instructions to get you going. Reading the docume...
GPG-aware mail clients and plugins
(Note, 2024: man, the '90s were a long time ago, right?) You may find a starting point here: www...
GPG Key Server Operations
The server is the preferred keyserver (for various reasons expounded at length el...
insecure memory
Basically this boils down to the application being unable to exclusively lock the memory page bec...
About GPG
You may have been directed to this page by Dave's email signature, and because you noticed some k...
makeinfo build error
2013-05-15 Problem Building gcc 4.1.2 on CentOS 6 halts with the error: WARNING: `makeinfo' is mi...
DHCP Reservation Not Working
A: dhclient now supports RFC-4361! (Please note that this is an answer to a question nobody asked...
Upgrading Fedora
(2019-03-18) Problem I want to update Fedora to another version. In General It is recommended to ...
Set Hostname To VM Name
(2019-11-28) Problem /t Solution For whatever reason, the vmware-tools package (and the open-vm-t...
Samba AD Controller Notes
(2019-11-25) Backplot At a new customer site, I inherited a Active Domain that was hosted on a Sa...
Join AD
(2019-11-28) Problem # realm -v -U dave join mydomain.local [...] ! Couldn't create computer acc...
Firewalld Limit Remote Source Connections
(2019-02-14) Problem I have an internet-facing service that I want to restrict to a particular (s...
Example nmcli Commands
(2018-10-15) Problem nmcli Solution Some recently discovered examples: # nmcli con # nmcli con s...
(2018-04-30) Setting A PPTP VPN Client You have to set the firewall to accept GRE tunnel traffic:...
Starting httpd
Problem How do I start up httpd in this brave new systemd world? Solution Firewall (note your zon...
Install nfsen 1.3.6p1
(2016-12-02) Problem How do I get nfsen 1.3.6p1 running on Fedora Server 25? Disclaimer Works for...
(2016-12-06) God help me, this is firewalld After you make a change, reload the firewall to make ...
SSH No Key Exchange method found
(2022-11-02) Problem # ssh Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matchin...
VM under VMWare Player won't resize screen on drag
Problem A VM running under VMWare Player won't dynamically resize the "screen" on drag or full-sc...
Test TLS version
(2021-10-06) Problem Does this device support TLS v1.0 (or 1.1 or 1.2 or 1.3) Solution $ openssl ...