Recently Updated Pages
Debug Site to Site VPN
(2013 March 8) Useful commands for a v9.x VPN debug Phase 1: you want to see MM_ACTIVE in the St...
Creating Custom Kernel RPMs
(Note: may not be relevant to CentOS-4, I stuck this here because the dates (2008) kinda lined up...
Installing From The Vault
(2022-02-01) Problem # sudo dnf (operation) Error: Failed to download metadata for repo 'appstrea...
Find Transparent Proxy Systems
(2021-02-17) Problem A system between me and my destination is doing proxying for the destination...
failed to load driver: swrast
(2021-08-17) Problem: Some variety of libGL error: MESA-LOADER: failed to open swrast: /usr/lib64...
(2020-05-03) Docker on CentOS 8 # dnf config-manager --add-repo=
vsftp: 500 OOPS: chroot
Problem vsftpd in user chroot mode. When logging in, you get: 500 OOPS: chroot Solution You have...
VM Interface Bouncing
(2019-09-13) Problem VM transplanted between two VMware clusters. Ran fine in old cluster for two...
(2018-01-12) Problem I need a tftp server on CentOS 7. Solution # yum -y install tftp-server xine...
Test Sendmail TLS Certificate
(2017-05-04) Problem Test Sendmail's TLS configuration. Solution $ openssl s_client -starttls smt...
God Damnit What How List services systemctl list-unit-files Start service at boot time s...
Start Interface With No IP Address
(2018-06-19) Problem I want a network interface on my CentOS 7 system to start at boot time but I...
SSL Certificate Warning
(2014-01-20) Problem Email: ################# SSL Certificate Warning ################ Certifi...
slow ssh connections
(5 September 2019) Problem When I ssh login to a CentOS 7 system, it always takes around 30 secon...
SSH no matching cypher
(2019-03-15) Problem Unable to negotiate with $IP port 22: no matching cipher found. Their offer:...
(2021-02-23) Installing PHP 7 Instructions for7.4 Older information (2017-09-13) CentOS 7 provide...
Passwordless SSH On NFS Home Dirs
(2017-04-28) Problem Can't use passwordless ssh to a target system. Solution In this particular c...
(2019-09-11) Examples # journalctl -u vmtoolsd --since=today # journalctl -u sshd
Install Grub
(2018-08-21) Problem RHEL 7 doesn't have "grub" command for making RAID-1 disks bootable. Alleged...
(2016-11-21) Problem Setting the computer's hostname hasn't changed for the last 20 years or so. ...