SASL build
(Note from 2024: probably dangerously outdated)
Customer Information (brains) :
# export PATH=/opt/sfw/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin
# ././configure --prefix=/usr --disable-cram --disable-digest --disable-otp --with-dblib=none --disable-krb4 --disable-gssapi --disable-anon --without-des
- --prefix=/usr because /usr/local is nfs-mounted and brains doesn't have write access to it
- --disable-$phoo because we are just using the system login through PAM and therefore don't need any fancy password encryption
- --with-dblib=none again because all we are doing is PAM and the db setup is problematic unless you hand hold it (see Previous Information , below)
- --without-des because we don't need it and it requires openssl (which we don't have because we don't need it)
Head Office Update : we are no longer using x1. Jupiter has RH9 installed which includes a SASL.
Previous information:
Building SASL on x1:
./configure --without-openssl -with-bdb=/usr/local/Berkeley.4.1 --with-bdb-incdir=/usr/local/Berkeley.4.1/include CC=gcc
The gotcha here is twofold:
- sasl will use ndbm if the Berkeley stuff isn't explicitly specified
- db.h won't get found unless you explicitly specity the include directory
Remember to create the symbolic link from /usr/lib/sasl2 aimed at /usr/local/lib/sasl2.